The brutality of Myanmar kill Rohingya Muslims increasingly craze Thousands of Rohingyas fled to Bangladesh after their villages were burned by Myanmar's army following militant attacks on military posts. Myanmar's military, scorching villages and killing Rohingyas, regardless of woman or baby.
The Myanmar government says at least 109 people were killed in military incursions, including militants, police and civilians. But the Rohingya defenders said the toll was far more than that, at least 800 Rohingyas were killed. This number can not be confirmed.
The massacre of the Rohingya Mulim began from the provocation of the Moslems of Wirathu who hated Islam. Why did Brother Wirathu hate the Rohingy Muslims and then launch a provocative campaign that led to massacres, whereas in his theory Buddhism teaches peace and compassion? The man of the anti-Islam movement of the 969 protesters, the Rohing Muslim is a mad dog.
It was not mentioned Wirathu secretly but directly said in a sermon covered by the international media, describing how openly he proclaimed himself as an enemy of Islam.
"You can give kindness and love, but you can not sleep beside the crazy dog," Wirathu said as quoted by The New York Times, June 21, 2013. Wirathu's "dog madness" is Rohingya Muslim as the theme of his sermon.
Two years of anti-Islam speech was voiced by Wirathu and until now it has not changed. Still hostile to Rohingya Muslims, even provoking Buddhists to boycott and massacre them.
As summarized TogetherDakwah, Bishop Wirathu was born on July 10, 1968. Ashin Wirathu, his full name. It sparked the movement '969'; an anti-Islam movement that then massacred the Rohingya Muslims and expelled them from their homeland.
Wirathu's black notes stick out since 2001. At that time he incited Buddhists to hate Muslims. As a result, anti-Muslim riots broke out in 2003. Wirathu was in jail. But he was released in 2010 on amnesty amnesty, which was also awarded to hundreds of political prisoners.
Wirathu is now head of the Mandalay Masoeyein Monastery. In the vast complex Wirathu led the dozens of monks and had influence over more than 2,500 Buddhists in the area. From its power base, Wirathu led the anti-Islamic movement "969".
Either since when Wirathu buzzed the campaign. But the provocative campaign began to expand in early 2013. He speaks in various places, igniting the Buddhist hatred of Muslims. In addition through speeches, 969 movements also spread quickly through stickers, brochures and so on. Hatred and anti-Islam spread rapidly, the fruit of massacres and the expulsion of Rohingyas.
Thousands of Muslim Rohingyas have been reported killed in massacres over the past few years. The rest survive with limitations and oppression. Hundreds of people tried to go to safety, in May 2015 up in Aceh after wading through the open sea with a simple boat.
And this week, the Burmese military is reported to have destroyed villages inhabited by Rohingya Muslims. The attack was carried out in October but a satellite image showing the devastation of the new village spread this week.
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