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Friday, September 15, 2017

He was called by a common name in Korea: Kim. She is female, and she is 41 years old. With her two sons, Kim broke through the border of two Koreas, and entered South Korea on November 11, 2010. South Korean authorities sealed Kim's identity. You see, the lives of Kim and his two sons are threatened. They ran from North Korea (North Korea). For the sake of the safety of their relatives in the hometown, such asreported VoA News, Kim's full name can not be opened. For the communist regime in North Korea, Kim's act with her two sons was a big sin. The action is equivalent of treason to the state. If caught, the punishment is severe. They will inhabit the forced labor camp. Kim is now one of 20,000 North Korean defectors, since the Korean peninsula was split after the Second World War. According to South Korean Unification Ministry officials, Kim was forced to flee from his country. Their village in Yanggang province can no longer be a life of support. In the past three years, more than 10,000 North Koreans have fled to South Korea. North Korea is now hit by food crisis. Economics is difficult. The situation of North Korea, as depicted by Victorio Sekitoleko, an official of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), is not very good. Victorio visited North Korea last September. She visits home and school. "I see people on the street. Every look at their eyes, what we are witnessing is starving people, "said Sekitoleko. He then noted, more than 30 percent of North Koreans suffer from severe food shortages. They end up desperate, breaking through the border, despite having to bet their lives. Attack to the south The crisis not only frustrated North Koreans. In fact, the ruler of Kim Jong-il seeks to draw international attention to the crisis in their country. Pyongyang sometimes acts desperately. South Korea became the target of firing. That is why North Korea is again highlighted the world over artillery attack to Yeonpyeong Island, South Korea, November 23, 2010. At least four people in South Korea, two of them civilians, were killed in the attack. Two days later, South Korean Defense Minister Kim Tae-young, withdrew from his post after being deemed incapable of anticipating, and giving the North Koreans quick action. As the last Stalinist state in the world, North Korea is often accused by the West as a ringleader of conflict on the Korean Peninsula. Many parties are wary if the crisis is left then it could be a lighter the occurrence of large-scale war. Despite full alert, South Korea and its ally, the United States (US), restraint is not directly reply in the form of frontal attacks. Do not want to be reckless, they realize the opponent faced is a desperate country. North Korea is considered to have nothing else, other than self-esteem and weapons. The Associated Press news agency said US intelligence officials believe the North has eight to twelve nuclear bombs ready to be relocated to missiles. The criticism of the South Korean attack was also criticized by China, North Korea's closest ally. Although Beijing's reaction was not to be criticized and angry as the United States (US), South Korea, Japan and other Western allies. Mutual accusations The two Koreas are recriminating against who this turbulent trigger this time. South Korea, quoted by Yonhap news agency, accused North Korea of ​​being the first lighter of the conflict. Instead, North Korea's KCNA news agency said South Korea first fired shots. At that time South Korea was training in the waters near Yeonpyeong. Some of the waters in the Yellow Sea are still disputed by both countries. In the North Korean state television broadcast, the regime in Pyongyang blames South Korea - which they consider to be the US puppet government and its allies. "The armed forces are forced to take military action against military provocation by the puppet regime, "The North Korean broadcaster quoted Chosun Ilbo as saying two days after the attack. Even North Korea dare to threaten to attack again. "If the puppets dare enter our territory, even 0.001 mm, the revolutionary armed forces will not hesitate to take unforgiving military action back," continued the broadcast again. The problem is, not just that time North Korea make a tantrum. A number of incidents have taken place since the 1950-1953 Korean War. In March, a North Korean submarine torpedo thrashed a South Korean patrol boat. About 46 sailors were killed. Earlier, in 1987, about 104 passengers and 11 crew members of Korean Air plane were killed by an explosion of bombs inside a plane by North Korean intelligence agents. In the 1970s, North Korea was acting by kidnapping a number of Japanese and South Koreans. They also like to confront the Western countries in the diplomacy forum, especially about nuclear weapons. That is why, many times North Korea gets economic sanctions, and trade from the UN Security Council in recent years. Like religion Former US President, Jimmy Carter, admitted not easy to face North Korea. Regardless of its military capabilities are quite tough, let alone have nuclear weapons technology, North Korea difficult to compromise and tend to be easily offended. "Dealing with North Korea has long been a challenge for the United States," Carter wrote in his opinion in the Washington Post newspaper, November 24, 2010. The 39th President of the United States considers there is such a special character that shapes the regime and society in North Korea. They are not easily subject to foreign influences. Carter calls the character the same as religion. "The official religion in a closed society is 'juche'. This means resting on yourself and do not want to be dominated by others, "said Carter. In other words, for the sake of getting something, they choose to struggle rather than submit to the commands of others, especially with those who are considered enemies. That character has always been emphasized by the leader of North Korea since the end of the Korean War. Especially by Kim Il-sung to his current ruling son, Kim Jong-il. The attitude seems to be inherited to his son, Kim Jong-un, the third-generation leader. North Korea has never explicitly explained the reasons for the attacks and sabotage they have done so far. However, observers suspect that attacks on Yeonpyeong Island and related incidents have dimmed North Korea's pride or pride on the world stage. Hunger The military power of North Korea is considered to be tough. The Library of Congress's research as well as the CIA's intelligence services include North Korea into the world's 20 strongest military groups. North Korea is also considered to be a "macho group," ie countries with nuclear weapons technology. But, apart from that, there is nothing that can be relied upon by North Korea. The country lags far behind neighbors as well as its rival, South Korea. North Korea is not as prosperous as it was 40 or 50 years ago. At that time, their economy was much better than South Korea, which crept from zero after being devastated by the Korean War. But the situation is turning now. South Korea is now in the group of elite countries, including as members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and G20. Meanwhile, North Korea looks increasingly impoverished. As their neighbors dissolved into a frenzy as hosts of some of the world's most important events-such as the 1988 Olympics, World Cup 2002, until the G-20 summit last November, North Koreans have been plagued by food insecurity since the 1990s. The majority of North Koreans are threatened with sustained famine in the coming year. Due to bad weather, harvesting schedules will be disrupted, combined reports from two UN agencies, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Food Program (WFP), on November 16, 2010. The report refers to the joint team's visit to North Korea, at the invitation local governments from 21 September to 2 October 2010. They are in charge of reviewing this year's harvest and projections next year, and assess how much food aid North Koreans need. The result is very apprehensive. In addition to the disrupted crop, about five million people - or about 20 percent of the total North Korean population, need food aid. They are mostly children, pregnant or breast-feeding women as well as the elderly who have no help from relatives. According to FAO and WFP reports, North Koreans in recent decades have often suffered from food shortages. The situation occurs when their territory is hit by bad weather, destroying crops in collective farms. That is the main way for people in the countryside to get food. When harvested, the collective crops are mostly sent to the city as state taxes. The situation grew so bad in the mid-1990s. According to The Guardian's daily page, at that time many North Koreans were killed. The amount varies between 600,000 and more than two million. Since then, the country is heavily dependent on food aid, especially from its neighbors as well as its "enemies," South Korea. FAO and WFP warned that, despite the delivery of rice and instant noodles packages from South Korea last September, the aid was still lacking. Assistance is less than 4 percent of the need. The South Korean government is concerned over neighboring problems in the north. "The North's food crisis is a" slow-moving famine, "which has had a long-lasting impact. It seems that hunger has caused harm to all the joints of the North Korean population, "Statistics Korea's statistics agency Statistics Korea said. The defector As the communist government insists on staying hostile to South Korea, many North Koreans have migrated quietly to the South. The goal is not about enjoying freedom, but it's a stomach affair to get away from starvation, and poverty in North Korea. According to the JoongAng Ilbo daily, South Korea currently hosts more than 20,000 defectors from North Korea. Their condition is sad. Many defectors run out of money because they are used to pay brokers for unsavory bidders. Even if there is, they are forced to dismantle piggy banks, so that the brokers are willing to pick up their relatives from North Korea. Of course using illegal ways. You see, the North Korean government does not even allow its citizens to cross to South Korea. Due to strict guarding South Korea-North Korea border guards, people who want to flee from North Korea had to cross first to China, a country bordering North Korea. It is a dangerous road, but other options do not exist. According to VOA News radio, women and children are being smuggled to China. Without sufficient supplies, and illegal immigrants, they eventually became sex workers, forced marriages, or became lowly laborers. That is making trafficking from North Korea to China, according to US State Department data, including the highest in the world. The Chinese government considers these smugglers as "economic migrants," or those who are forced to infiltrate due to economic difficulties. When caught, they are forcibly repatriated to the North, and are threatened to receive severe punishment from the authorities. Observers link the North's food trouble with the attacks on Yeonpyeong. The attack could be interpreted as a message, that the North is in crisis, but not necessarily until begging. Moreover, the US still refuses to revoke the economic and trade embargo over North Korea. "Unable to pressure Washington, they finally do more to Seoul," said Choi Jin-wook, a researcher from the South Korean Institute for National Unification, as quoted by The New York Times. "They are in a desperate situation and they need food aid as soon as possible, not next year," Choi said.


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