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Saturday, September 16, 2017

Metro TV presenter Najwa Shihab said the Najwa Eye  program  will stop running post-exclusive interview with Novel Baswedan on July 26, 2017. In the exclusive interview, Novel Baswedan reveals many things about hard water attacks on him.
Not yet known whether the dismissal of Mata Najwa program   is directly related to a special interview conducted with Novel Baswedan. To be sure, breaking bans interviewing Novel Baswedan had circulated in cyberspace.
Here is the direct explanation of Najwa Shihab related to the Najwa Eye program broadcast stop quoted from Twitter @ najwashihab account in Jakarta, Tuesday (8/8/2017), namely
"Exclusive Joint Novel Baswedan" became the last live episode of Mata Najwa. It's been 7 years Eyes Najwa airs. Since the premiere episode of "The World in the Magic Box" that aired on November 25, 2009 until Novel Baswedan's exclusive interview on July 26, 2017, a total of 511 episodes of Mata Najwa.
Over the next three weeks, Mata Najwa will present a collage of various old episodes that we consider important and valuable. At the end of August, Mata Najwa will arrive on the final episode: "No Point Notes".
But August is not only the last for Najwa's Eye. Being a Metro TV reporter in August 2000, my trip with Metro TV will also end in the same month. This is the end of August.
Seventeen years is not a short time. Being proud to be the first reporter Metro TV, as the owner of code reporter 01 in terms of friends in Kedoya, until whenever will not fade. My trip as a reporter of the first news TV in the homeland was recorded deeply, making life much richer and becoming a valuable stock to continue working as a journalist.
No thanks to the big family of Metro TV. Also to all those who have partnered and supported, especially the viewers who have been with me and Mata Najwa.
Najwa Shihab

Many say Najwa actually knows who the perpetrators of the incident directly from Novel Baswedan own. 

Chief of Police, Gen. Tito Karnavian, said he would explore information on alleged involvement of the police general in the Novel Baswedan case  . The information will be traced for investigation as a legal issue or fact. "So far, the information was just delivered Novel through the media," said Tito at Balai Sarbini, Semanggi, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, July 26, 2017.
The sending of investigators to Singapore, according to Tito, will include a team from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). The information will be directly asked to Novel to be used to continue the legal process. "If the information of the involvement of the general was a legal fact can  follow up  directly yes, if still the issue will be explored to find evidence," said Tito. The joint team, Tito said, is still waiting for the readiness of the KPK to do the development. Chairman of the Commission has stated willing to accompany police investigators to leave for Singapore. "Currently the KPK is still busy yes, now again incessant handling cases of E-KTP and other cases," said Tito. Commitment to go together, according to Tito, still held so that the Police team has not departed.

Once the KPK is ready to go directly to extract additional information. "We can not process the involvement of the police general because they have not been submitted directly to the investigator," said Tito. 
Corruption Eradication Commission Corruption Commission (KPK)  Novel Baswedan  post attacks by unknown people with hard water getting better.  Through a video uploaded by Chairman of Muhammadiyah Youth Center, Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak, Novel said until now his eyes are still in the process of healing. In this two-minute video, Novel conveyed his enthusiasm to his colleagues so that what happened to him did not lead to the weakening of the KPK. "I hope that through this incident it will increase the spirit associated with the eradication of corruption and other things that become the responsibility of us all," said Novel in the video.  Novel also convey a message to the perpetrators of the attack against him. Despite not mentioning anyone involved, Novel says he will not be in fear in the fight against corruption.
According to  Novel Baswedan  any attempt to attack or step halting his steps will not dampen his spirit to eradicate corruption. "I want to show that the person's expectations (the perpetrator and the brain of the attack) will be useless and useless. I affirm that it can not (walk) as they expect, "Novel said.

Clash at dawn in Batu Ambon red village at the Pattimura Torch event on Tuesday (05/15/2012), automatically interrupt Kamtibmas in Ambon city. Kamtibmas disorder is certainly very disturbing Ambon city residents who in June will host the MTQ XXIV National level.
At around 07.20 WIT, actually the atmosphere on the border of Batu Merah and Mardika which became the location of the clashes, has begun to be conducive. Both masses have been successfully driven by the security forces. But the condition suddenly changed when a group of Christian mobs tried to infiltrate Muslim settlements in Lorong Tahu, Rijali urban village.
During the incident, was in the Lorong Tahu with the Muslim community guarding the border. The atmosphere was gripping because the position between the Christian attackers and the surviving citizens was only about 10 meters.
This continued incident started when the house of Christians belonging to Karel Maruanaya (40) suddenly burning fire. It is unclear where the mobs are burning the house, because suddenly the fire is on.
Seeing the fire gobbling up Karel's house, the Christians who gathered across the Pearl road (across the aisle of Tahu) were angry and tried to get into Muslim settlements to attack the gathering masses of Islam. The anger of the Christian masses came after the provocation by a woman and a man in brown shirt.
Muslims consider this incident an irrelevant event. "How can the Christian masses get in the Lorong Tahu, whereas many of the TNI and Polri officers are on guard at the venue?" Said a resident who requested anonymity.
The abrupt attack by the Christian masses had alarmed Muslims. The panicked Muslim masses chose to flee into the boardinghouses and settlements. The atmosphere had heated up and almost clashed between the two masses. Again, the Christian mobs threw the Muslims towards the settlement.
Emotionally Muslim citizens had tried to fight by pushing forward to attack the Christian masses who had gathered on the roadside. "If you have the courage to come here, the nat katong iris kamong," yelled a young man toward the Christian masses.
The situation was successfully controlled after the Brimob Gegana Polda Maluku and TNI officers came to the scene to break the two warring masses.
After the situation began to abate the strangeness again occurred because suddenly members of Brigade Gegana combing into several houses of Muslims looking for sharp weapons. In the sweeping Brimob Gegana seized several dozen iron arrows belonging to the Muslims. Muslims are attacked but Muslims are also raided. What is this show? [AF] Tuesday, May 15, 2012.

It is still very memorable that we will all be tragedy in Tolikara, Papua on Friday, July 17, 2015. The tragedy coinciding with the Idul Fitri holiday is one of the forms of discrimination in Indonesia. This commotion occurred because the youth of the Synod of Evangelical Church in Indonesia (GIDI) who came to disperse the Muslims who were praying. The incident also coincides with the holding of the seminar and TRC GIDI youth. The commotion resulted in the fire of dozens of kiosks and some injured people. A lot of news triggers triggered the unrest that is not yet known the truth. The allegations should be immediately addressed by the government in order to avoid misunderstandings until similar events occur. The government must also take effective action in addressing this case or tragedy.
Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kala said that the Tolikara tragedy was caused by loudspeakers or speakers. JK explained that there are two adjacent events between different religious people, namely Christian and Islam. "There is an Eid-ul-Fitr event, there is a meeting of community leaders, it is the origin of the speakers," said JK at a press conference at the Vice Presidential Palace, Central Jakarta.
He said, people should be able to know that there are two interests that occur simultaneously. "One Idul Fitri, one because the speakers, collide with each other, should both refrain, people with other religious events should understand," JK said. According to him, both parties need better communication if they want to hold similar events. He also hopes the police and local chiefs can solve the problem according to legal channels.
Circular from the Synod of Evangelical Church in Indonesia spread on July 11, 2015 was mentioned to be one cause of the conflict. The government through the Director General of Community Guidance (BIMAS) Christian Ministry of Religious Affairs, Oditha Ronny Hutabarat declared newly known there was a circular after the riots in Tolikara. "We just know there is a letter," said Oditha during a press conference at the Indonesian Guild Church Building (PGI), Central Jakarta, Saturday (18/7).

Ronny admitted concerned because the circular is left circulating just like that. "It's supposed to take the letter out, but it can provoke a conflict if it reaches the wrong hands," he said. Ronny said that the conflict in Tolikara is not a religious conflict. "There is an issue of injustice in Papua in the context of this issue: Local residents say that if there were no gunshots, there might not be any riots like this," he said. In looking at this issue, he argues that it is necessary to use "glasses" of Papua, where there are peculiarities that must be considered from conflict-prone areas. "There must be something else behind this incident, so we leave it to law enforcement to investigate the matter," he said.

According to historical records, the Muslim community has inhabited  Arakan  (the ancient name Rakhine) since the reign of a Buddhist king named Narameikhla or Min Saw Mun (1430-1434) in the kingdom of Mrauk U. After being exiled for 24 years in the sultanate of Bengal, Narameikhla Arakan with help from the Sultan of Bengal at that time. Then he led the Bengali people to live in Arakan and helped administer his administration so the first Muslim community was formed in the region.
At that time the Mrauk U kingdom was the subordinate kingdom of the Bengal sultanate that King Narameikhla used his Arabic title in the names of his royal officials and used the Bengal coin which reads Arabic alphabet on one side and Burmese characters on the other as his currency. After successfully escaping the Bengal sultanate, the Narameikhla descendants continued to use the Arab title and considered themselves sultan and dressed in imitation of the Mughal sultan. They still employ Muslims in the palace and even Buddhists, the Muslim customs of Bengal are still used.
In the seventeenth century the Muslim population increased because they were employed in various areas of life, not just in government alone. The Kamein tribe, one of the ethnic Muslims in Rakhine who is recognized by the current government of Myanmar, is a descendant of Muslims who migrated to Arakan at this time. However this harmony and harmony did not last long. In 1785 the Burmese empire from the south attacked and captured Arakan; they applied a policy of discrimination by expelling and executing the Arakan Muslims. In 1799 as many as 35,000 Arakan people fled to the Chittagong region in Bengal which was then occupied by the British to seek refuge. The Arakan people call themselves Rooinga (the native of Arakan), which is then spelled into Rohingya today. Other than that, 
In 1826 the Arakan region was occupied by the British colonial government after the British-Burma I war (1824-1826). The British government implemented a policy of moving farmers from adjacent areas to the abandoned Arakan, including previously displaced Rohingyas and native Bengalis from Chittagong. At that time the Arakan territory was included in the administrative area of ​​Bengal so that there was no international boundary between the two and the migration of the population in both areas was easy. In the early nineteenth century the wave of immigration from Bengal to Arakan increased as it was driven by the need for a cheaper wage of workers imported from India to Burma. Over time the population of migrants outnumber indigenous peoples so often cause ethnic tensions.

The brutality of Myanmar kill Rohingya Muslims increasingly craze Thousands of Rohingyas fled to Bangladesh after their villages were burned by Myanmar's army following militant attacks on military posts. Myanmar's military, scorching villages and killing Rohingyas, regardless of woman or baby.
The Myanmar government says at least 109 people were killed in military incursions, including militants, police and civilians. But the Rohingya defenders said the toll was far more than that, at least 800 Rohingyas were killed. This number can not be confirmed.
The massacre of the Rohingya Mulim began from the provocation of the Moslems of Wirathu who hated Islam. Why did Brother Wirathu hate the Rohingy Muslims and then launch a provocative campaign that led to massacres, whereas in his theory Buddhism teaches peace and compassion? The man of the anti-Islam movement of the 969 protesters, the Rohing Muslim is a mad dog.
It was not mentioned Wirathu secretly but directly said in a sermon covered by the international media, describing how openly he proclaimed himself as an enemy of Islam.
"You can give kindness and love, but you can not sleep beside the crazy dog," Wirathu said as quoted by The New York Times, June 21, 2013. Wirathu's "dog madness" is Rohingya Muslim as the theme of his sermon.
Two years of anti-Islam speech was voiced by Wirathu and until now it has not changed. Still hostile to Rohingya Muslims, even provoking Buddhists to boycott and massacre them.
As summarized TogetherDakwah, Bishop Wirathu was born on July 10, 1968. Ashin Wirathu, his full name. It sparked the movement '969'; an anti-Islam movement that then massacred the Rohingya Muslims and expelled them from their homeland.
Wirathu's black notes stick out since 2001. At that time he incited Buddhists to hate Muslims. As a result, anti-Muslim riots broke out in 2003. Wirathu was in jail. But he was released in 2010 on amnesty amnesty, which was also awarded to hundreds of political prisoners.
Wirathu is now head of the Mandalay Masoeyein Monastery. In the vast complex Wirathu led the dozens of monks and had influence over more than 2,500 Buddhists in the area. From its power base, Wirathu led the anti-Islamic movement "969".
Either since when Wirathu buzzed the campaign. But the provocative campaign began to expand in early 2013. He speaks in various places, igniting the Buddhist hatred of Muslims. In addition through speeches, 969 movements also spread quickly through stickers, brochures and so on. Hatred and anti-Islam spread rapidly, the fruit of massacres and the expulsion of Rohingyas.
Thousands of Muslim Rohingyas have been reported killed in massacres over the past few years. The rest survive with limitations and oppression. Hundreds of people tried to go to safety, in May 2015 up in Aceh after wading through the open sea with a simple boat.
And this week, the Burmese military is reported to have destroyed villages inhabited by Rohingya Muslims. The attack was carried out in October but a satellite image showing the devastation of the new village spread this week.

Friday, September 15, 2017

A one-party government is a characteristic that can be found in most socialist countries in the past. The ruling party that centralizes ideology occupies the top position in the structure of national forces, which in fact controls the overall legislative, administrative and judicial powers. The party not only controlled the 3 institutions, but also led the social organization and people's life. Therefore, North Korea can be regarded as a 'party-led country'. Although there are more than one party, they are not opposition, but the ruling party partners. The ruling party in North Korea is the Korean Labor Party.

That is the hallmark of dictatorship. The power of the state is concentrated on the party, and the power within the party is owned by one person exclusively. The use of the term "Yuil" meaning 'single' or 'mono' in the North Korean language is actually 'a single ideological system' derived from a 'single leader' philosophy. In North Korean society, the leader is the embodiment of the embodiment of party desires and desires, and is the center of power to organize and lead integrated and integrated sideopolitarian activities. Therefore, the role and power of the leader are placed in the top position and position that can not be challenged.

The unique system is owned by North Korea. Because Kim Jong-il has the ability as a leader who left the philosophy, talent and teachings of his father successfully, making the country walk a single power system passed from father to son. Preparations for inheriting power have been in place since the early 1970s. The system was refined when Kim Il-sung said that "Kim Jong-il has full ability to handle all tasks (as leader)". After the death of his father Kim Il-sung, and Kim Jong-il inaugurated as general secretary of the Korean Labor Party in October 1997, the inheritance system manifested successfully when Kim Jong-il served as chairman of the National Defense Commission in September 1998.

The party is leading the country, and its leader is leading the party. That is the basic principle of the implementation of North Korea's regime system as a whole. The Supreme People's Assembly, as a general representative of the people, is the place where the party executes its decisions. Therefore, the Supreme People's Assembly is the highest political institution in North Korea. The Supreme People's Assembly has appointed a major government official such as a leader to carry out administrative tasks significantly. Because, in principle, the power is not concentrated on the president or cabinet, it can be regarded as a 'People's Assembly System' such as the Soviet Union and the Chinese who follow the system.
Although the Supreme People's Assembly was the highest political institution in North Korea, the People's Assembly was led by the party chairman. Therefore, without taking into account the name given to the chair, he is de facto leader who has the highest authority and exercises all forms of direct power throughout the sector including politics, defense, diplomatic, national security, economy, industry, trade, social , culture and art. Therefore, the core of the North Korean system is a party led by its chairman.

North Korea  is the closest country on Earth. Not easy to enter, and almost impossible for people to come out and mingle with the citizens of the world. 
Leaks about the state condition controlled by the Kim Jong-un regime were mainly obtained from the narrative of some defectors, also through a number of people who had visited there or settled - usually diplomats. 
On the other hand, though not a popular tourist destination, North Korea increasingly open themselves to be visited by tourists, in order to reap foreign exchange. 
Noted there is an increase in the number of visits. Around 10,000 people visit in 2014 and the country is aiming for 2 million visits by 2020.
Here are some interesting facts about North Korea, a country considered more important than possessing nuclear weapons rather than improving the welfare of its people.
Have your own calendar
According to the calculation of the Christian calendar, this time is the year 2017. However, North Korea has its own calculations. 
According to the Pyongyang regime, it is still the year 106. The North Korean calendar is counted from the birth of founder Kim Il-sung in 1912.
Kim Il-sung is Kim Jong-il's father and grandfather of the current ruler, Kim Jong-un. 
The distinction of the Gregorian calendar is more newly applied on 9 September 1997.
Not free to access the internet
The Internet now contains domain names, but there are only 28 websites that are accessible to North Koreans.
It also revolves around an ordinary website, such as about insurance, education, elderly care, news, and cooking tips.
In addition, it is not easy to enter the internet at home because the computer is not affordable and must be purchased with permission.
North Korean population is around 25 million, but only a few thousand people use the internet at home.
Hair style imitate kim jong un
North Korean government regulates the life of its citizens with strict, even up to the hair shaving business.
Several years ago, the North Korean government launched a patriotic campaign against the crime of long hair. With the title, "Let's trim our hair according to the socialist lifestyle".
visits to salons are closely watched by secret police. Anyone should be obedient and obedient to follow the hair style set by the country, 10 for men, 18 for women.
But lately, special male students, they should be as close as possible to the supreme leader Kim Jong-un.
Kim Jong-un's hair style - double-sided is trimmed thin, with a thicker center more militaristic than his father, Kim Jong-il.
The village of propaganda
Not far from the demilitarized zone, the border between North and South Korea, there is a pleasant little town.
From afar, the city has complete facilities: schools, hospitals, and shops among the sturdy concrete houses.
But no one lives there. The area that the North called the "Peace Village" is covered in mystery.
Some reports suggest that the village is only to show off to South Korea how great life is in North Korea.
The world calls it the "Propaganda Village."
Election abal-abal
The country that is widely known to be under totalitarian rule has routinely held elections.
Elections take place every 5 years.
The difference is that voters only have one candidate to choose from and do not try not to vote. In a way, Kim Jong-un has no opposition.
A verdict for three generations
The legal system in North Korea imposes punishment on three generations - not just those who break the rules. 
If someone broke the law and was sentenced to jail, then all related relatives could suffer the same fate.
In the eyes of the Pyongyang rulers, if anyone violates the law - especially political prisoners - then the whole family - including grandparents, parents, and children of the person will be detained or sent to a forced labor camp. 
The rule of '3 generations' punishment was initiated by Kim Il-sung in the 1950s.

Indonesia seeks to protest when Malaysian aircraft pass through Sebatik Island area. However, the Malaysian Government has never responded to a protest note concerning the violation of airspace posted by the Government of Indonesia from January to June 2015.
"Until now there has been no response from the Government of Malaysia," said Director of Political, Security, and Territorial Cooperation of the Foreign Ministry, Octavino Alimudin, in a press conference at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jakarta, Thursday (25/06/2015).
On the same occasion, Octavino asserted that the Indonesian Government had sent two protest notes. He denied the statement by Malaysian Ambassador to Indonesia, Datuk Seri Zahrain Mohamed Hashim, who said he had never received a protest note from the Government of Indonesia.
Octavino explained, two protest notes have been filed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia, and the Embassy of Malaysia has obtained the letter. Regarding the denial of the Malaysian ambassador, Octavio suspects the State Affairs Jiran still need time to study the two documents so it can not give an answer.
"They need to check into their internal before responding. They need verification first before responding, "he said.
Octavino explains, there are seven airspace violations that have been done by Malaysian government-owned aircraft. However, he added, only two protest notes are filed because it has memililiki complete data. Five other protest notes are still completed with information before being sent to the Government of Malaysia. According to the Spokesman of the Indonesian Foreign Ministry, Arrmanatha Nassir, protest note immediately after the violation occurred.
"The protest note is sent within hours, at least two days," explained the man familiarly called Tata. Octavino explained, there is no deadline given by the government to get an answer. Indonesia also does not impose sanctions on the Government of Malaysia for such violations.
He said, most importantly, Indonesia has warned Malaysia of its breach and Malaysia does not repeat it.

Indonesia's territorial air territory apparently often violated  other countries fighter aircraft . Most observed by Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Philippines, and other countries in Southeast Asia (ASEAN).

This was revealed after the Air Field Commanders (Danlanud) Roesmin Nurjadin Pekanbaru Marsma Henri Alfiandi discussed with the media crew. Therefore, according to him, the violation has the potential to trigger inter-state conflict.

"The greatest potential conflict comes from a neighboring country, like a household, the potential for conflict to come its own neighbor, yes from right and left," Henri said in his office, Pekanbaru, Riau, Tuesday (10/11/2015).

"Yes, neighboring countries like Malaysia, Brunei and some other Southeast Asian countries are often violating the territorial air for the region of Sumatra," added Hendri.

However, said Henri, a neighboring country that violates the limit can not be directly declared enemy. Therefore, the violation has not posed a serious threat to Indonesia.

According to him, in the military formula, the potential for conflict is always done by the neighbors. The adjacent area becomes the main factor.

To avoid the rampant violations, the Air Force alerted several existing  aircraft  in the airfield to improve border patrols.

"This operation is called Baruna Nusantara Patrol performed routinely in every border in Indonesia," said Marsma Henri.

Baruna Nusantara operation is done along with the alert status I set by the TNI Commander. This status is to increase alertness and awareness of Indonesia in the face of various threats.

"The current status is already alert I. This status is the preparation of TNI personnel   on command of the TNI Commander," concluded Henri.